Nikon D6 specificatii
Specificatiile pentru noul Nikon D6 au fost facute publice pe internet. Camera este asteptata in 2020 adresandu-se celor profesionisti. Din nou Nikon ia cele mai ciudate decizii aducand din nou aceleasi smecherii de marketing gen silent shooting care defapt nu este silent deloc, video mai bun de parca asta trebuia unui fotograf profesionist, raw video de parca la fel asta trebuia unui fotograf profesionist.
- 24 MP sensor
- 4K 60 video
- The D6 built-in sensor stabilization (IBIS) – Even better than Nikon Z7 / Z6 IBIS
- The D6 will have more features and customization options for various aspects of the camera and settings
- Companion applications will also see improvements but they will most likely launch after the camera release
- The D6 will definitely not be a “hybrid” camera, but rather a DSLR with some mirrorless features (better video, IBIS, silent shooting for example)
- Improved dynamic range
- Improved/better AF system but probably with the same number of AF points
- Advanced video features with RAW recording (not sure if external or internal)
- Longer manual exposure times (like in the Nikon D810A): from 1/8000 – 120 seconds (up from 30 seconds)
- Dual CFExpress memory card slots
- .76-78x 100% viewfinder
- New Expeed dual processors
- Built-in Wi-Fi
- 3.2 million dots touchscreen
- Improved silent shooting modes